Civil Litigation

Dedicated Personal Service for litigation related to civil disputes in NY & NJ.

Civil Lawyer | Alexander Schachtel

Taking Legal Action in a Civil Dispute?

Where to Start? — Get a Free Consultation.

Civil Dispute in New Jersey or New York?  Let a Civil Attorney review your case for free in order to determine the steps to take moving forward. You can reach us by phone at (201) 925-0660 to get your case reviewed by a civil lawyer at no charge, or Click Here to schedule a consultation online.

Serving Clients in

Commonly Litigated in Civil Court

In civil court, one person sues another person because of an issue or dispute between them. An agency or business can also be sued or file a case in civil court.  If you lose a case in civil court, you may be ordered to return property or pay money to the other side, but you do not go to jail just for losing the case.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answered by a Civil Litigation Lawyer
It is the legal process involving disputes between parties in seek of either equitable relief or monetary compensation. Equitable relief is when the court issues an order requiring a party to do something or reframe from doing something, usually by way of an injunction or restraining order. A civil lawsuit may be filed either in federal or state court.
We strongly advise against serving as your own attorney. Have you ever heard the old saying “a lawyer who represents himself has a fool as a client”?
Keep in mind; attorneys spend years in law school learning the intricacies of our legal system.
  • Imagine that, you didn’t know the rules of chess and had a match against an individual with a decade of experience playing the game. Do you think you’d stand a chance? Now consider, the rules of court are more complicated and similar to speaking a different language.

In order to win, they must prove their civil case by the ‘preponderance of the evidence’, where there’s just enough evidence to tip the balance in their favor. This means the judge or jury must believe that your case is stronger than the other side’s.
How Long Does Civil Litigation Take?

It depends mainly on what county you live. In Hudson County, the wait typically takes at least a year and occasionally up to two years or more before a case proceeds to trial.

How Much Does a Civil Lawsuit Cost?

The cost of Civil Litigation depends on various factors, such as the hourly rate of your attorney, the length of time the case takes to litigate, the number of experts required, the scope of discovery, the number of mediation sessions, and whether the case goes to trial or not.

As long as all parties agree, you may settle your case at any time and any stage of the litigation. That means you can decide to settle the same day you get served with the lawsuit. Or as late as after closing arguments while the jury is deliberating.

What Happens If I Settle?

The attorneys draft a settlement agreement that both parties will sign. This will have the effect of ending the lawsuit. An agreement will need to include the terms of the settlement, release language, and other extensive provisions. Additionally, the agreement should require the plaintiff to file a ‘Request for Dismissal’ form with the court.

It is an informal meeting involving the disputing parties, their attorneys, and a jointly selected mediator. A mediator usually is an attorney experienced in the subject matter of the dispute; they work with both sides and try to convince them to settle. A judge may order both parties to attend mediation, or they may agree to participate during litigation. The good news is that a high percentage of cases that go to mediation are settled in mediation. Unfortunately, the bad news is that mediators are expensive. Generally,  charging $500 or more per hour, which is split between both parties.
What Should I Expect in Mediation?

If both parties are not physically hostile towards one another, mediation typically begins with a joint session. This is when both parties, their attorneys, and a mediator meet at a conference table. First, the mediator will explain to both parties that everything said throughout the session is privileged, which means it cannot be used against either party at subsequent hearings or trial. Next, the mediator will explain his position of neutrality, the risks and expenses affiliated with a trial, and the benefits of a settlement. Then, he will ask each attorney to give their brief position on the case. Following the joint session, both parties will be separated into different rooms, and the mediator will go back and forth seeking to negotiate a settlement.

What Our Clients Say...

Involved in a Civil Lawsuit?

Our Civil Litigation Lawyers will Fight for You.

Get answers to your questions. Just ask our civil litigation attorneys. Better yet, request a free case review, and we’ll let you know what your options are. Simply, call (201) 925-0660 or contact us online to schedule a review with one of our civil litigation lawyers at the Law Office of Alexander Schachtel.